Monday, April 27, 2020

Weeks 5, 6 and 7!

Art Choice Boards for FISD ART Students

Elementary Art
- This choice board is for weeks 5, 6 and 7.
- It is suggested that students try out one activity per week,
for fun and to relieve stress.
- Click on the image to read the choices. If a choice has a
video tutorial, their links are listed by choice just below this
- If your student uses Google Classroom, he or she can
simply view the Choice Board with embedded links here.

Elementary Art Choice Board Video Tutorial Links:
Choice 1: No video tutorial necessary.
Choice 7: No video tutorial necessary.
Choice 8: No video tutorial necessary.

Secondary Art
- This choice board is for weeks 5, 6 and 7. 
- Secondary students must use Google Classroom (preferred) or the
paper packet to access full content. To go to Google Classroom, click here.
- Weeks 5 and 6 are mandatory for high school art students,
while week 7 is optional; it is suggested that students try out
one activity per week, for fun and to relieve stress.
- It is optional for 8th grade art students; it is suggested that
students try out one activity per week, for fun and to relieve stress.

Secondary Art Choice Board Video Tutorial Links:
Choice 2: No video tutorial necessary.
Choice 7: 
  - How to make an X-Fold Book:
Choice 8: No video tutorial necessary.

Ms. Demel’s contact information:
Office Hours - Monday - Friday 9 AM - 1 PM 
(you can try contacting me anytime, but I will most likely get
back with you during office hours).
Remind: Search for Ms. Demel sending a text to 81010 
and then text the message: @d2367e


Ms. Demel's Art Experiments...

Hey there art peeps!

What favorite, creative activities have been relaxing you these past few weeks?
Have you even had time to get creative? (I see many of you are doing a great
job trying to keep up with your regular school work). Being an art teacher, it is my
job to experiment and find art activities for you to enjoy while staying at home and
sheltering in place. Some things I have had fun fiddling around with are creating
relief rubbings, making my own scratch-art, and sharing goofy Whatchmadrawit
sketches through our weekly Zoom meetings. These types of activities have been
helping me stay in good spirits while cooped up at home.

Below I will share photo collages of art pieces resulting from my creative, home
activities. I invite you, as well, to share images of your work with me. (Contacts at
the end of the post)!

As always, happy art-making!

Art Gallery
The work below features work Ms. Demel has been experimenting with at home.
Maybe we can do some of these fun techniques next year!

Ms. Demel’s contact information:
Office Hours - Monday - Friday 9 AM - 1 PM 
(you can try contacting me anytime, but I will most likely get back with you during office hours).
Remind: Search for Ms. Demel sending a text to 81010 
and then text the message: @d2367e


Let's Zoom!

Weekly Zoom “Art”ivities with Ms. Demel:
- These will run weekly until the end of the school year.
- Contact Ms. Demel for meeting join codes (contact info below).

Grade Level
Day of the Week
Pre-K, K, 1, 2
1-1:30 PM
3, 4, 5
1-1:30 PM
1-1:30 PM
High School
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM

Ms. Demel’s contact information:
Office Hours - Monday - Friday 9 AM - 1 PM 
(You can try contacting me anytime,
but I will most likely get back with you during office hours).
Remind: Search for Ms. Demel sending a text to 81010 
and then text the message: @d2367e


Sunday, April 19, 2020

Week Four!

E-Learning in the Bulldog Art Room: April 20th - 24th

Hello my most amazing artists! I was very sorry to hear that we will not be able to physically return to school, but let’s try to use this time at home to live artistically and relish in our most creative selves. What are things that have been keeping you going? Well, for me, I have been creating a LOT of art, plus I have been enjoying movies, music, podcasts and literature created by other individuals. I am so thankful to all the creative thinkers and doers out there, because their creations have been keeping me sane! I have also been becoming more tech savvy, making video tutorials for the coming weeks (you will have access to those tutorials starting next week - yea!). Until then, enjoy our fourth week of art projects at home. I miss you and am thinking of you!

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Lesson Plans for Week Four:

Elementary Art Students:
Click on the following link to receive your Week Three Art Project:
Once you have completed your art, send an image to Ms. Demel. 

Artist: Vincent van Gogh
Year: 1889
Medium: Oil on canvas
Location: Musee D’Orsay, 
Paris, France

Secondary Art Students:
WOW Project 4:  Click on the following link to view the content for your weekly art project and activities (high school level assignments are required):
Once you have completed your art, send an image to Ms. Demel. 

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Extra Content (Optional):

Submit Art for the “Don’t Mess With Texas” Calendar Contest!
Texas students enrolled in kindergarten through 12th grade are invited to submit their original artwork to participate in the Don’t mess with Texas K–12 Art Contest. The artwork should promote the Don’t mess with Texas and/or Keep Texas Beautiful litter prevention messages to encourage and inspire our community to advocate and take action for litter prevention. The top 13 winning designs will be featured in the 2020 Don’t mess with Texas Calendar! Each winner will also receive their winning artwork, framed, and a $100 Visa gift card donated by Keep Texas Beautiful. Teachers representing the students who produce the top 13 designs will also each win a $100 H-E-B/Central Market gift card. Artwork must be submitted/postmarked on or before May 29, 2020. 

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As always, happy art-making! Have fun, be curious, and explore all your amazing ideas. I hope to hear from more of you soon. If you have any questions or need to contact me, here is a list of platforms and links that I use regularly.

Ms. Demel’s contact information:
Office Hours - Monday - Friday 9 AM - 1 PM 
(you can try contacting me anytime, but I will most likely get back with you during office hours).
Remind: Search for Ms. Demel sending a text to 81010 
and then text the message: @d2367e


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Week Three!

E-Learning in the Bulldog Art Room
Hello my most amazing artists! Below you will find links to our third art project to try at home. (You may also work ahead to the fourth week if you wish). 

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Lesson Plans for Week Three:

Elementary Art Students:
Click on the following link to receive your Week Three Art Project:
Google Classroom - Elementary Art Room - Distance Learning - Self-Portraits
Once you have completed your art, send an image to Ms. Demel. 

Secondary Art Students:
WOW Project 3:  Click on the following link to view the content for your weekly art project and activities (secondary assignments are required):
Google Classroom - Secondary Art Room - Distance Learning
Once you have completed your art, send an image to Ms. Demel. 

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Extra Content (Optional):

Check out the ARTS Arena:
Arts for Rural Texas, aka ARTS, is a Fayette County non-profit organization and advocate of the arts. They are a great organization to support, plus they have created a digital art program called ARTS Arena to help entertain, educate, and unite our children and families during the COVID-19 sheltering in place. Each week this program offers an idea, or seed of thought to inspire the creation of art.  Art created may be a drawing, a painting, a clay piece, a poem, a photograph, a video, music, a short performance - the options are limitless. For more information on the ARTS Arena program and to see their fun prompts, visit:

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As always , happy art-making! Have fun, be curious, and explore all your amazing ideas. I hope to hear from more of you soon. If you have any questions or need to contact me, here is a list of platforms and links that I use regularly.

Ms. Demel’s contact information:
Office Hours - Monday - Friday 9 AM - 1 PM 
(you can try contacting me anytime, but I will most likely get back with you during office hours).
Remind: Search for Ms. Demel sending a text to 81010 
and then text the message: @d2367e


Weeks 5, 6 and 7!

Art Choice Boards for FISD ART Students Elementary Art - This choice board is for weeks 5, 6 and 7. - It is suggested that students...