Sunday, April 5, 2020

Week Two!

Distance-Learning in the Bulldog Art Room

Hey there, artists! This week I am sharing with you the second week's art project that you can try at home. One artist to look at that I think is especially fun is Keith Haring. Secondary artists: do you remember creating these amazing Keith Haring-styled images above, of your everyday heroes? 
Now elementary gets to try it out! There are a lot of heroes in our world right now. Who do you want to pay tribute to and why?

Project details are below, as ususal. If you have any questions or need to contact me, here is a list of platforms and links that I use regularly.

Ms. Demel’s contact information:
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 AM - 1 PM 
(you can try contacting me anytime, but I will most likely get back with you during office hours).
Remind: Search for Ms. Demel sending a text to 81010 
and then text the message: @d2367e


Lesson Plans: Week Two:


Elementary Art Students:
Click on the link below to receive your Week Two Art Project 

Once you have completed your art, send an image to Ms. Demel. 


Secondary Art Students:

WOW Art Project 2:  Click on this link to view the content for your weekly art project and activities (secondary assignments are required):
Google Classroom - Secondary Art Room - Distance Learning

Once you have completed your art, send an image to Ms. Demel. 


Image from the Getty Museum's Instagram Account
Extra Content (Optional):
Last week I offered ways to virtually visit over 30 art museums.
Were there any works of art you especially liked? Write to me about them, or send me a sketch of that piece. Better yet, what if you try to recreate the piece at home in real-life, like these folks did for the Getty Museum? They sent their images, along with the original to the

Here is the link to explore art in virtual museum settings (that means you can click around and almost feel like you are in the space): 

Note to parents: some art content found in museums may not always be child-appropriate. If this is a concern for you, simply check the links ahead of time and monitor while your child is using.  


As I close, happy art-making! Again, have fun, be curious, and explore all your amazing ideas. I hope to hear from more of you soon, plus I will have more art-making ideas next week!

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