Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Week Three!

E-Learning in the Bulldog Art Room
Hello my most amazing artists! Below you will find links to our third art project to try at home. (You may also work ahead to the fourth week if you wish). 

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Lesson Plans for Week Three:

Elementary Art Students:
Click on the following link to receive your Week Three Art Project:
Google Classroom - Elementary Art Room - Distance Learning - Self-Portraits
Once you have completed your art, send an image to Ms. Demel. 

Secondary Art Students:
WOW Project 3:  Click on the following link to view the content for your weekly art project and activities (secondary assignments are required):
Google Classroom - Secondary Art Room - Distance Learning
Once you have completed your art, send an image to Ms. Demel. 

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Extra Content (Optional):

Check out the ARTS Arena:
Arts for Rural Texas, aka ARTS, is a Fayette County non-profit organization and advocate of the arts. They are a great organization to support, plus they have created a digital art program called ARTS Arena to help entertain, educate, and unite our children and families during the COVID-19 sheltering in place. Each week this program offers an idea, or seed of thought to inspire the creation of art.  Art created may be a drawing, a painting, a clay piece, a poem, a photograph, a video, music, a short performance - the options are limitless. For more information on the ARTS Arena program and to see their fun prompts, visit: https://artsforruraltexas.org/arts-arena

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As always , happy art-making! Have fun, be curious, and explore all your amazing ideas. I hope to hear from more of you soon. If you have any questions or need to contact me, here is a list of platforms and links that I use regularly.

Ms. Demel’s contact information:
Office Hours - Monday - Friday 9 AM - 1 PM 
(you can try contacting me anytime, but I will most likely get back with you during office hours).
Remind: Search for Ms. Demel sending a text to 81010 
and then text the message: @d2367e


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